I suppose most holiday weeks would be characterized like this. People are just naturally emotional, and any household with children, well, you can just count on about 45 days of straight-jacket inducing melt-downs and seasonally bipolar behavior - not just a week here and a week there. School is a perfectly heavenly place this time of year. Even when it takes me 30 minutes to walk there in this amazing weather to drop them off.
Even the weather lately has decided it wants a part in this bipolar mood shift stuff. Just yesterday, our windows were coated with this wonderful stuff:
Only to wake up this morning to beautiful, bright sunshine (cell phone pic). It was actually almost warm walking to school this morning. I wondered for a second if the weather man was wrong.
He wasn't. It's been an off and on game all day of this great stuff, but this time with winds involved. Yay for holiday weeks and holiday season weather! (insert sarcasm here)
No matter what else this week brings, what ups, what downs, I know that I will be able to enjoy the next few days doing what I love most - cooking, spending time with my family, and then photographing the memories of other families, too.
Bring it on, Thanksgiving. I'm ready to just be thankful.
REady for some Christmas posts! hahha
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The G5